Friday, July 4, 2014

Holiday Weekend and Lilly Pics

We have a nice long weekend here in the U.S. to celebrate our independence, barbecue, and visit family.  I'll be heading out to visit my new granddaughter tomorrow and I cannot wait.  But in the mean time I've got some chores around the house to do.  I need to clean the windows on the outside that haven't been cleaned in a long time.  Last summer was terrible road construction and house construction so there was no point to washing the windows.

I also am cleaning my Craft Cave and organizing my wayward fabric collection.  It is amazing how quickly it becomes a disaster area.  Sure wish I could wave a wand and it would be magically cleaned for me!  I want to be organized so I don't feel such anxiety walking into the room.  Do you ever feel that way?  Anyhow, getting my work done today so I can enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Here are a few pictures I took at the hospital of my beautiful new granddaughter, Lilly Mae, and her proud parents, Holly and Mike.  Can't wait to see them again!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend -- relax or work hard, whichever makes you happiest!


  1. Beautiful new baby! Welcome and congrats to all!

  2. Thank you Sue -- it's been a long, long haul.

  3. ~ congrats.. Lillie Mae is adorable! ;-D


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