Saturday, July 5, 2014

Clean Up Time

Plans, plans, plans.  I ended up going out to see Lilly Mae yesterday as Holly and Mike felt they needed a 'guest-free' day today.  This has completely disrupted my Craft Cave clean up project but I expect that tomorrow will see some serious progress.  Here are a couple of pictures of the room as it appeared yesterday.  I have no shame.  Pulling fabric out for this project and that has resulted in piles of half-used fabric and a big headache for me.  Tomorrow is another day, right Scarlett??

There is hope for me yet.


  1. For a minute I thought I was in my sewing room. I have hope to get through it, too. I'm planning to work through it, though, not only tidy it up. Maybe tidying up would make more sense.

  2. I absolutely can't go into my studio if it is too messy, makes my mind chaotic. Then I'll start to avoid it, and that just won't do---have to clean it! Good luck, get to it, Scarlet--do it TODAY!

  3. ~ great job.. I saw the after pics! ;-D


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