Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Too Darn Busy!

I wish I could take the time to tell you everything that's been going on over the last several days but it would make your head spin!!  Between the Guild, my Mom and her crazy phones, job searching -- I'm completely swamped!

I have an interview tomorrow morning for a job I probably don't want.  I'm waiting to hear back on a couple of jobs I DO want.  Running to the post office to return some speaker materials tomorrow too.  Then there's the matter of having paid for someone else's lunches at Café Muse last Thursday -- ARGHH!

Hopefully I can catch my breath after tomorrow's interview and get my blog caught up too!  

I've loaded the company's address into my Sync, printed off copies of my résumé and the job posting, and now I'm off to bed!

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