Thursday, October 18, 2012

Gyleen's Workshops

Friday's workshop got off to a bumpy start when I realized I had forgotten to bring the ironing boards, irons, extension cords, and power strips -- yikes!  Thank goodness Joyce thought to call Diane who was on her way and able to swing by the church where they were stored and haul them over to the church where the workshop was being held.  I was so grateful!!!

Gyleen's workshops were well attended and everyone learned so much while enjoying themselves at the same time. 

Gyleen's Pineapple Tool really helped make the blocks, as demonstrated by our guild president Sandy:

Gitta and Joyce were among the hard-workers putting together their pineapple blocks:

As you can see, piles of scraps were the name of the game for Friday's Trash to Treasure Pineapple workshop:

The blocks that everyone made were so wonderful:

Our enjoyable day was topped off by a delicious dinner at a nearby new-to-me restaurant, 'The Hills City Grille'.  Pumpkin Pie Martinis were the drink of the day -- woohoo!

Saturday's workshop, which I actually participated in, was 'The Quilt of the Century' and used primarily 6 1/2" squares combined with 3" squares to make a fabulous design.  I didn't take as many pictures because I was too busy cutting and sewing!

Fran's auditioning pile:

Sue got pretty far on her quilt top:

Fran and Jo brought their portable tables, which work great because you can adjust the height and face each other!

This is as far as I got with my quilt top.  I have a long way to go to finish it but I really enjoyed learning the Butterfly seaming technique and will complete it and use it to make another quilt - black, white, and red next time.


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