Monday, September 24, 2012

More Quilt Show Stuff

Here are a few more of the great quilts I saw at the Quilting with Machines Show on Saturday.

I always have to take a picture of a Chicken quilt!

This next quilt was so large I couldn't get a full picture.  The rows of quilts were just too close together!

Sue said this quilt reminded her of our quilting friend Lee.

Sue loved this small quilt:

Isn't this quilt precious?!!!

These next three quilts were part of the Ohio Star exhibit from the Cincinnati Modern Quilt Guild.

This last quilt reminded me of a tile floor pattern in a fancy hotel or museum.  I loved it!

After the quilt show Sue and I headed over to the Door Mouse Quilt Shop in Kansas, OH.  Their mailing address is Bettsville but their GPS address is Kansas - very confusing!
It was packed to the rafters, literally, with fabric.  Lucky for us a busload of about 50 people had just come and gone.  Thank goodness they left some fabric for us!  While we were in the store the sky opened up and there was a torrential downpour, including hail.  Didn't deter us, we kept on shopping.  There was a wonderful rainbow out on our way home -- I think the pot of gold was at the Door Mouse!

Here's my stash from both the quilt show and the Door Mouse:
I've got a large variety of thread to try on my new Juki, lots of fabric and a boatload of needles (see Wednesday's post).  Now I just need to knuckle down and crank out some quilts!

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