Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merrrrrry Christmas!

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas today!  Last year I was moping around, out of a job, but this year things are much better.  I'm working again, I'm a first time grandma of the most wonderful boy in the world -- life is GREAT!  I hope wherever you are, you are enjoying the day, remembering why we're celebrating with friends and family.

I'm in charge of the ham for our family dinner today.  28 people should be attending but baby Denver won't be eating any ham this year.  I bought two hams at Costco since they didn't have a single one over 10 pounds.  Thank goodness leftovers freeze well.  To make things easier at my Mom's I'll cook the ham here, cut it off the bone and then place it in a serving dish, so there's little mess in her tiny apartment kitchen.  You should see us -- 5 to 8 women working in a 5 x 8 kitchen -- it's a wonder we don't kill each other!

My Chicken friend Joyce sent me the most perfect card this year:
Don't you just love it?!!  It's from Heifer International and I'm definitely going to donate to them next year.  Maybe it would be a goodwill project for our knitting guild???

Besides the card at the beginning of this post, I sent out this one that cracked me up when I saw it at Write Impressions in Royal Oak:

I can't wait to give out my gifts this year.  I've had such fun picking out just the right thing for everyone.  Which brings me to this:  I've got to get going and sew a lumbar pillow for my brother in law Mike!

Hope you have a peaceful day.  I'll have lots of pictures coming up soon, no doubt.

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