Friday, December 23, 2011

Finishing Up

Gotta love UPS, despite those wretched videos from the last couple of days.  I've seen them scooting along my street, two men on a truck, dropping packages off left and right.

Today they brought the last of my gifts for baby Denver.  I ordered a bunch of clothes from Macy's on Wednesday and can you believe it -- they arrived today.  Sure beats the heck out of hitting the mall.  While I love all of the clothes I HATE how the bulk of them were made in China.  Why, why, why.  Next year I'll take my time and make better choices but for now I'm just glad to be done with my shopping.

Tomorrow morning I'm heading over to Natalie's Bakery in Madison Heights again.  I've got to get a loaf of their Christmas Bread.  No wait, it's a loaf of Stollen.  Never mind -- maybe both!

From there I'll be off to the Market Fresh grocery store in Beverly Hills to be a bell ringer for the Salvation Army from 10 am until 2 pm.  This is my only stint as a bell ringer this year so I hope it's fruitful.  If you're any where near the northwest corner of Southfield Rd and 13 Mile Rd -- come and see me.  I'd love some company.

Provided I don't need too much thawing out, I'll be running next door to Premier Pet Supply, my favorite place to shop for gifts for all of my four legged friends.  Could be some new treats in Maggie's future....

1 comment:

  1. Love the "chicken" pics though I look a little tired in the one with Carol. Stay warm during your bell ringing stint and have a very merry Christmas with baby Denver!


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