Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day !!

Chilly!!!!  It barely hit 60º here today -- 35º less than it was just two days ago.  I wore my new sweatshirt from Torch Lake and it sure felt cozy!

I took the opportunity courtesy of Labor Day to head out to see my precious grandson.  Denver was his usual peaceful, sleepy self.  He doesn't care much for getting his diaper changes and lets you know how he really feels!  When he's in my arms he's quiet as can be.  His eyes were open quite a bit today and he was following voices, too.  Not bad for 5 days old.

 My sister Denise brought this yellow and white blanket back from her trip to Italy for Denver.

I think he likes his new monkey friend!

I've really enjoyed spending time with Holly, Mike and Denver over the last several days.  Now I have to go back to work tomorrow.  It will be a busy week too, with the first meeting for GLHQ on Thursday.  I've got my fingers crossed that all of the anniversary logo items arrive in time for the meeting.  I also have to run over the gym and activate the three month membership that I bought through Groupon.  Yikes!

Have a great week!


  1. Gosh, he looks soooo good for a newborn! Marv thinks he has "knitter's hands."

  2. He's so sweet with all his little expressions. I love the one with his monkey! You must be over the moon! I went back to work this week...quite the shock. I hope your week goes well!


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