Saturday, September 3, 2011

Four Generations

It was another crazy hot day here -- 95ºF with tons of humidity to go with it.  I picked up my Mom and took her out to see Holly and the baby.  We had a great visit and the best grandson ever (ok, everyone probably thinks that about their own) was his usual wonderful self, content as could be in my arms.  Mike took a four generation photo:
My Mom was definitely nervous about holding Denver.  He started to cry a bit but I'm sure it was just him filling his pants!

Holly was feeling pretty good today and showed me her incision which looks like it's healing just fine.  Denver is nursing well as evidenced by him filling his pants appropriately!

Can't wait to see them again -- maybe on Monday.......


  1. What a wonderful photo. He must be a little love. I'm glad that Holly is feeling good. That makes all the difference! You all look over the moon!

  2. Love the 4 generation photo! Beautiful.

  3. ~the four generation pic was lovely! ;-D


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