Friday, April 8, 2011

We now return.... our regularly scheduled blogging.

I don't like when I miss blogging.  Even if no one even reads my prose, I still enjoy getting thoughts out of my head and onto paper cyberspace.  Several days on the road left me unable to write and that just led to clutter in my poor little head.

Last Saturday I attended the Hook In in Ann Arbor with my friends Jackie and Kate, and about 300 other hookers.  I bet you had no idea there was such interest in rug hooking but I assure you, that place was full of rabid, enthusiastic hookers.  The vendors were kept busy all day.  Because there are so few local shops to help enable hookers with their craft, everyone comes to the hook in ready to open up their wallets and help the small businesses who bring their wonderful wares.  I don't have pictures of the things I bought but hopefully I'll take some photos tomorrow and share them with you.  

Here's a shot of Jackie (the hooking new-bie) and Kate:

I got about 1/4 of the way around the Lighthouse rug with my corded binding but don't have a picture of my progress.  In the meantime, here are some of the rugs other hookers brought for all to enjoy:

So much creativity, right?  I liked the fireplace screen with the clever board it was mounted to.  The chicken rug is much nicer than my homely chicken rug.  And isn't Polly Minick's Pledge of Allegiance rug great?!

Tomorrow is a monthly Thrums & Chums meeting in Brighton but I'll have to miss it so that I can be here when the plumber shows up to fix the kitchen pipe debacle.  Pray for me that he can fix it fast and cheap!


  1. Beautiful rugs! Looks like a fun & inspiring day!

  2. Wow, very inspirational! Thanks for sharing Suz!


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