Thursday, April 7, 2011


I know I've been MIA lately (thanks for missing me Kim!).  You wouldn't believe why.  Then again, maybe you would.  I went to New Jersey.  On business.  But almost didn't.  Continental tried to change a Sunday flight out to Tuesday at 3 PM.  I was flying back from NJ at 8 PM on Tuesday.  Right, didn't make sense to me either.  Should have driven instead of flown.  Switched me to a Delta flight out -- bad turbulence, you should see the wicked bruise on my hip.  Bright side -- at least there were no gaping holes in the ceiling.  Rental car -- KIA Soul (horrible blind spots).  Took scenic route to Hoboken.  Nice to know that Michigan's roads are NOT the worst.  Had a lovely brunch with my niece at Amanda's.  Great story -- maybe later.

Went to NJ for work.  Met my new team.  Got grilled by my new team.  Hmmm. 8 PM flight home -- arrived at Newark at 5 PM, ate lousy dinner (remind me to eat OUTSIDE of the airport next time), knit and knit.  No plane.  Kept looking outside terminal, still no plane.  FINALLY at 8:30 we flew out.  My driver AKA my roommate picked me up from the airport, late, with no gas left in my car.  Got home at midnight, not my finest hour.  Been playing catch up ever since.

Plumbing went kaplooey in the kitchen yesterday.  No dishes, no laundry.  Not happy.  

Went to a mini wine tasting last night -- best part of the last couple days.  Bought a few several bottles including a pretty reasonably priced French wine.  More on this later.

My sister's mother-in-law died at the age of 85.  The casket was plastered with stickers.  Oddest thing I've ever seen (thanks to my niece for the Facebook photos.).  Missed the whole thing due to my trip.

Worked 12 hours today, finishing up my annual performance goals.  Next up -- taxes!  You can't buy a good time like this!

Feeling out of sorts -- I just want to go to bed.


  1. Oh Suzanne!! You have been having a rough time! Rest up, hope to see you soon.

    Kim W

  2. Rough week, indeed! Glad you're home, though. I bet you made it through the waits at the airport a lot easier than the other people - knitting saves you every time!

  3. Wow, you sure know how to have fun!


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