Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What do you do.... get yourself out of a funk?  Today, as expected on my last day of work, I've cried my eyes out.  They burn and they're swollen and of course, I have no eye drops.  I was able to extract my contact lenses without too much difficulty tonight.  I had a bowl of the pea soup I made on Sunday, a glass of Moscato d'Asti, took two decongestant tablets and I'm calling it a night.  I think I'll put a cool compress on my eyes, might even cut up the cuke in the fridge.  I'll try anything to get the swelling down.

I know I didn't lose my life today but I did lose my livelihood.  And my identity.  I knew I worked for MetLife.  I knew every morning I had some place to go to where I could contribute and make a difference.  I knew every couple of weeks or so I'd be compensated for my efforts and twice a year someone would pat me on the back and tell me I'm doing a great job. But that's over for now.  Now I'm just one of millions of unemployed people.  Such a downer.

Maybe it would be different if I'd been fired, then I would have poor performance to blame it on.  I was a  dependable, go-to employee with a solid set of skills.  I shared what I knew willingly and pitched in when I saw help was needed.  Does that sound like the sort of employee you'd expect to keep or dump?  I sure feel abandoned.

I didn't even knit today.

But tomorrow's another day.....................


  1. I rarely comment on here but have been a follower for awhile. I wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you as you move through this transitional period. Keep your head have so many things to be thankful for!

  2. Thanks Allison -- sometimes I just need someone else to remind me of all that I do have, rather than focus so much on what I don't.

  3. Suzanne: In Dec. 2008, I lost my job. It had nothing to do with me and performance, just that the economy and the world's situation had changed. Who would have thought that GM (our client) would declare bankruptcy? I too, cried my eyes out. Then, I faced the world and tackled getting a job. You will too. People recognize when you have something to offer them. You WILL be successful! Take a breather and then go get 'em! Best, Katy


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