Tuesday, December 14, 2010


This headache of a smartphone is a drag.  I spent another 2 hours on the phone trying to fix the email server issue.  Don't you think some guru at AT&T should be able to figure out why I can connect to my GMAIL account but not my AT&T account???   Ugggghhhh.  Since I have the AT&T email on my resume I really need to resolve this.  You never know, people could be trying to reach me.  Well, maybe someday.  For the record, my roommate is NOT good at relaying messages from phone calls so I need to get this straightened out quickly.

Tomorrow is my final day at MetLife.  I'm already dealing with goodbyes and I have to say, not very well.  I've got a pretty new box of tissues on my desk and I'll be wearing the waterproof mascara for sure.  26 years is a long time to be anywhere and I've spent a lot of time building friendships while making a decent living for myself, supporting my kids and getting them through college.  I'll be searching for my big girl pants in the morning but I doubt I'll be able to find them.  Wish me luck!


  1. I'll be thinking of you.xoxo

  2. I think you'll find your big girl pants and make it through the day. Good things will come to you, I'm sure.

    On the issue of AT&T, when my SO called them with the thought of changing to them from Comcast, he was told they already had an account for our address! How in the world??? No matter who he spoke to, they couldn't straighten this out, so now it looks like not only will we continue using Comcast for our cable and internet, but we'll change our phone from AT&T to them also!


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