Thursday, August 12, 2010


I'm back to my regularly scheduled life.  I finished knit hat #50 and am nearly done with #51.  I wanted to try and use up all of the 'Almost Handspun' skein that I bought at the Charlevoix Fiber Festival.  The way it's going, I expect to have quite a bit left.  That will make two hats plus ??? out of a 250 yard hank.  Perfect!!  Since the skein was only $10 that makes it a super value.    I can't wait to block them and see how the yarn blooms.

Tonight I went to a concert on the library lawn.  The singer was a guy who had battled leukemia several years ago.  I remember his story but I don't think I'd ever seen him perform until tonight.

His name is Stewart Francke and he reminded us to live each moment to it's fullest because tomorrow isn't promised to any of us.

Wouldn't it be nice if each of us had the opportunity to do what we're most passionate about?

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