Friday, August 13, 2010


...where you are planted.  It's an old saying but still very true.  Each of us may be in a situation where we think things could be going better for us.  Maybe we think we're stuck in a rut.  Some times you can't see it but there is usually something you can do about your situation if you're willing to take a risk.  Another plaque on my wall says 'What would you attempt if you knew you couldn't fail?'  I need to believe in myself the way that others believe in me.  Far too often I sell myself short, focus on my failures, and forget to shout out the answers the way I am when I watch Jeopardy.

I'm hoping my two latest hats will bloom once they're dry from being blocked tonight:

and a close up of the 'knit through the back loop' stitch:
Kind of hard to notice, right?

I've washed both hats in the sink with some Head and Shoulders and they'll be drying overnight.  I'll take another picture of both hats, again with the measuring tape, to see if there's any noticeable difference.

Something else I hope to see 'bloom' soon is my front lawn:

We're expecting rain over the weekend and I sure hope we get enough to resuscitate my yard!

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