Saturday, June 19, 2010

Rug Update

I'm getting closer to finishing my hooked rug.  My friend Kate came over today to show me how she's been binding a rug that will become a pillow before too long.  I just need to decide what color yarn I want to use to whip stitch  the rug.  I picked up some cotton cording at Haberman Fabrics today and tomorrow I will get rolling on the binding.  I'm still waffling on the yarn colors so I'm going to sleep on it and get started first thing tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow will be a sad day for me.  It's the first Father's Day without my Dad.  You just can't escape the commercials on TV or radio reminding you to remember your Dad.  Like I need help.  I'll make a trip out to the cemetery and maybe I'll take some knitting and stay a bit, if it's not too hot or muggy.


  1. Suzanne, I am sorry for your loss, and I know it will be a tough day for you. I spent much of last night in the er with my own dad, and then he was admitted to the hospital, so that's where I'll be today. Not a very nice father's day for either of us. My heart goes out to you.

  2. Thanks Janet. I hope your Dad receives the best care possible. Take your knitting!


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