Sunday, June 20, 2010

Done, Done, Diddley Done

Friday night we had a humdinger of a storm roll through.  A lot of folks lost their power and one woman was killed when she drove into a tree that had fallen across the road.  I was glad to be tucked in my house but I tried and tried to photograph the lightening.  Better luck next time but this is as good as I got ~~

You can see a bit of lightening in the upper left hand corner.  This shot was taken at about 10:00 PM and the lightening had illuminated the sky.

Phew!!  I have finally finished the hooked rug I've been working on for years.  I got some great information from my friend Kate yesterday and today I went to work. 

I found the perfect combination of yarn:  Classic Elite Skye Tweed and Cascade 220 Heathers in grey.

Since it was a bit unwieldy I laid it on the sofa and pulled a chair up to it to get a comfortable position.  I use the word comfortable loosely.  That's the sofa fabric in the lower portion of the above photo.

I finished blocking it tonight and it's resting on top of the washer and dryer.  Tomorrow I'll make a label for it and get it sewn on before I give it away.  Now I know you're asking yourself  'So what's this masterpiece look like?'  Not so fast my sweet ones.  The big reveal will come once it has found its way to it's rightful owners.  (Yes, plural).

I spent some time at the cemetery visiting my Dad, as did many others today.  I took a chair and my knitting and sat and talked to him for a while.  He didn't answer out loud but I'm sure I heard him keeping up his end of the conversation.  So glad to have gotten through this day.

1 comment:

  1. Good job Suz.

    I'm sure Dad was thrilled having you visit. What a sight it must have been--you chatting away with him while knitting, in a chair,in a cemetery! Thanks for the chuckle!



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