Saturday, April 3, 2010

Wacky Saturday Weather

We had the craziest weather today.  It started out beautifully, warm and sunshiny.  I dropped off the new coat from Salvation Army at the Dryclean Depot, where it only costs $1.99 per item.  From there I stopped to get gas and a car wash, followed by a quick stop at the Royal Oak Farmers Market.  The Easter Bunny had stopped by to visit with all the kids there.  I only picked up some baked goods before coming home.

I decided it was time to clean up the yard a bit and tackled the dried out plants in the backyard.  The winds began to pick up and I finished quickly.  After a quick bite of lunch, a Tortiere from the bakery, I headed over to Right off the Sheep to get some help finishing my Sneaky Sheep Swap item.  By now, the winds were gusting so hard you were struggling to walk upright.  Once I got situated inside the store, the hail started and then the rain.  I sure was glad to be inside.

I finished the last of the work on my swap item and I must say, it's pretty fine.  Here's another sneak peek~~
Not much of a hint, I know, but I don't want to reveal it just yet.  I'm so glad to have it done ahead of time.  This is just not like me at all.  I'm normally waiting until a couple of days before the deadline to even think about what to make.  Then I'm stressing out trying to make the deadline.

When I left the shop, the sun was out and all was right with the world again.  I picked up the dry cleaning and made my way over to Trader Joe's.  By the time I got there the winds had picked up again and rain started.  A quick run through the store and I came straight home.  When I got to the front door I had carried in too many things and lost my grip on the storm door.  Big mistake -- the wind whipped it out of my hand and nearly took the closer right out of the door jamb.  Now I have another fix-it project, when I have some spare time.

For kicks and giggles, I decided to sift through the cabinet in my utility room and relieve it of unnecessary sewing items, fabric mostly, but an unfinished cross stitch Christmas tree topper that I believe dates back to about 1983 as well as some finished quilt blocks that need to be made into something.  It all started with me needing the numbers off of the water meter to put on a postcard that goes back to the city.  You know how it goes -- one thing leads to another and before you know it -- you're buried in debris.  I did experience pangs of doubt occasionally but in my mind I kept hearing Joyce's voice, coaxing me to do the right thing. The room is a lot neater but still needs some work.  And I'm whipped.  I went through at least two dozen more books that were on the shelves in the utility room.  Something about standing there for hours that kills my lower back.  I'm pooped and ready for bed.

Tomorrow is Easter Sunday and Kevin and I will be heading to my sister Carol's for dinner.  I've been given the task of making Pretzel Jello, which I'll be doing in the early afternoon.  I'm trying something new with the dish though -- I'm making up the Jello part and letting it set up while I make the crust and and the filling.  It should save time over the normal way, which is to make the Jello layer last, let it set and then pour it over the filling.  Hope that makes sense.  Maybe I'll take pictures tomorrow to clarify.

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