Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter !

Hope you all had a super Easter Sunday.  I didn't get one stinking chocolate bunny.  Wahhh.  But I did get ham, potatoes, mac & cheese, and my world famous (I wish) raspberry pretzel Jello dessert.  Yummo!  Plus, now that Lent is over, I can drink a glass of wine -- wooohooo!

I added more embellishments to my wool coat #1 -- I hope to post some pictures tomorrow.

My new favorite TV show is 'Undercover Boss' -- I just love it.  I'm amused by the sight of the bosses attempting to do so many of the vital jobs within a company.  Tonight was the boss of Roto-Rooter and he was out there snaking pipes, blowing out lines, taking service calls, welding parts.  Most of the jobs he didn't do particularly well at, especially when he welded a hole right into a piece of machinery and the sparks got down into his shoe.  But for each of the episodes I've seen so far, every boss develops an understanding of the lives his employees live and the effort they give their company and community.  I tear up at the end of every show.  I'm such a sap.

I'm off to do a couple of Sudoku puzzles before heading to bed.  Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. I have an interesting piece of wool for you to create with. Remember that really scratchy brown and white wool you gave me? I wove it up and washed it. . .now I'm giving it back! Still have some left to weave if you like it. . .but it's still scratchy. :-(

  2. Keen Beans! Uh, you can keep weaving with the leftovers. Could be a good kitty scratch mat?

  3. Undercover Boss is a great show! I've only seen it once, but it was fascinating. :)


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