Saturday, January 16, 2010


Today I went to the new yarn store in Clawson, PK Yarn over Knit, for the second time.  I stopped in there yesterday on their grand opening day.  Hmmm.  They need a lot more merchandise to fill up their lavish space.  I would move a lot of the merchandise around too.  I would keep all of my machine wash, less expensive yarns together, away from my high end, hand wash wool.  I would organize it by weight too.  I would have my display of Addi Turbo needles near the cash register.  Don't want them walking out the door....

I bought an ArtFelt kit for an eyeglass case.  Being the impatient person I am I laid out the 'ingredients' and made the case fabric last night.  I struggled though -- make it before I head out to the NightNotes concert or wait.  Well, that argument was settled quickly -- make the blasted thing right away!  The eyeglass case was extremely easy to make and it was done before I left for the concert -- no more than 15 minutes construction time.  Today I sewed the edges together and voila -- it was completed.  Now I want to dig into the kit I bought  a couple of years ago but was too chicken to attempt.  Yes, even I have chicken moments.

And today I seamed it together using a running stitch with a hand-dyed cotton floss.

I can say without a doubt that this is the absolute easiest way to wet felt.  No long hours of rolling, kneading, throwing, and thrashing.  It was done lickety split!

While reading one of the blogs I follow I came across a recipe that absolutely excitedly me:  Zucchini and Gorgonzola Soup .  It did not disappoint.  I picked up several of the ingredients and made it tonight.

Onions, garlic, olive oil, butter, followed by coarsely chopped zucchini and yellow squash (had it in the fridge) ~~

Added chicken stock ~~

And salt and pepper, using my prized pepper mill (courtesy of a now deceased friend who brought it back from Germany and an item I 'retained' during my divorce)


 Then the soup mixture was pureed in the blender ~~

and returned to the soup pot, with the gorgonzola cheese, followed by the half & half, while I sipped some cabernet sauvignon ~~

....until the soup was ready ~~

And, oh my, was it ever good.  I hope you have a chance to visit the blog I got it from and make the soup for yourself!


  1. New LYS in Clawson, who knew? Thanks for sharing the recipe, too. I may try in with vegetable stock, continuing my effort to eat less meat products.

  2. How did I miss you? I was in around mid-day talking with her about teaching. . .I'm thinking about some mini-workshops once a month, and a "construction" class. . .

  3. You can check it out now Eddie but I'd give the shop a few weeks to add to the stock. Let me know how the vegetable stock works, never used it.

  4. I was in the shop on Friday around 2ish, and then yesterday at 2:30. Both times I was the only customer which always makes me feel conspicuous.

  5. There were quite a few folks wandering around at 1 or so when I was there--we had hair cuts at Tease at 2 and 3--Joanie was first and left before me, so I must've left just moments before you walked in!


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