Saturday, January 16, 2010

GLHQ Guild Meeting Update Part 2

After all of those pictures on yesterday's post I bet you thought I'd be done?  NO!  I've got plenty of Show N Tell pictures.

First is our Raffle Quilt, which will be raffled off in June 2010.  Tickets are only $1 so let me know if you'd like to buy one and I will get the ticket to you!

Veronica took a workshop with Aniko Feher and made this lovely wallhanging of her daughter.  The picture below is her telling us about her class experience ~~

Dorothy showed this giant quilt she made for her son, who is serving overseas.  I think she said he's heading back to Afghanistan.


Jean made this charming quilt from scraps -- no new fabric was purchased for this one~~

I liked this quilt but have forgotten who made it, sorry.

Cindy said she resolved not to make anymore small quilts, then she resolved not to make anymore ginormous quilts ~~

It's interesting how the different values appear in a photograph -- the tan sashing pieces really pop out at me.

Cathy created this marvelous quilt ~~

I especially like the block in the lower right corner -- it looks so whimsical to me. 
Cathy's son is heading to Afghanistan next month after serving in Iraq too.

And two members brought baby quilts to show before sending them on their way ~~


Now truth be told, I would have had more photos except our quilt holder was so spastic they weren't still long enough for me to get a good shot.  As it was, I had taken 70 shots by the end of the evening.  I think that's the most ever for a guild night.  I hope you enjoy looking at them.

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