Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Remember, remember...

Tomorrow I have two extra things to remember.

First, I need to take the lunch my boss asked me to pick up for her after work today to the office tomorrow.  She loves the Mexican chicken and rice from Zumba.  Our team gave her a gift card for Christmas, which I used to make the purchase.  She asked me to get her two orders, not sure why.

Second, I'm picking up one of our senior quilt guild members who doesn't like to drive at night, and taking her to our meeting.  We're having a fabulous speaker, Sue Nickels, a master machine quilter.  While I would love to quilt like she does, I've grown to recognize that there are only so many hours in one's lifetime and I could never get to be good at it, so I leave my machine quilting for those who love it and are good at it.  The truth is that my desire to quilt has been replaced by my love of knitting (stop throwing darts at me!).  I have a lot of fabric.  Nearly every bit of it was bought with a specific quilt in mind.  When I try to rid myself of it, pangs of guilt come over me and I'm forced to keep it.  Well, maybe soon I'll be able to make the purge.  I could definitely use the storage cabinets for other crafts....

I was back in the gym tonight.  Oddly enough there is a member there who was a 'match' for me on  NOT.  He creeped me out because his profile said his best feature was his butt.  Argh.  Even though he may actually be right, it doesn't say much for the rest of him.  At least I said my eyes were my best feature, something a little less crass. 

Several years ago a gal worked with me who had been a missionary in Haiti.  She was from the South and when she said 'Haiti' it would just crack me up.  It always sounded like 'Hi Tee'.  She taught us about the extensive poverty and unbelievable living conditions, and that was her home on the island.  I thought about Valerie today when all of the devastating news about the earthquake in Port au Prince was coming out.  There's a good chance that her parents are still missionaries there.  I hope they are alright and that help arrives soon for all of those impacted.

1 comment:

  1. My advice? Get something from Zumba that you would enjoy guess is that the second order is meant for you! :)


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