Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jam Packed Guild Meeting

Tonight was the January meeting for the Black Sheep Knitting Guild.  There was so much happening my head was spinning!  We switched presidents, discussed our annual retreat (thinking I'm not going due to finances), the Knit Michigan event coming up next month, had cast on/cast off demos, and much more!

We had 17 items donated for the door prize raffle ~~

Including a small basket with napkin rings that I had purchased off of Ebay when I was in my sheep buying frenzy ~~

Harriet wore the sweater she had recently finished putting together.  It was very special to her since her sister had knit it but passed away before she could complete it.  It's going to her sister's daughter.

I don't think any of my sisters will do the same for me when I'm gone.  Right??

Remember me telling you about Judith turning in 25 hats to the South Oakland Shelter a couple of weeks ago?  Well it was actually 27 and tonight she collected a staggering 54 additional hats!  We are such a generous, caring group of women.  I know that there will be a lot of thankful children in the coming days.  That makes a grand total of 81 hats!!!

Here are tonight's contributions~~

The items on the right side of the bottom picture are scarves turned in as well.  The brown one was a bunch of squares that new president Kim received and crocheted together to make the scarf -- very resourceful!

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