Monday, December 14, 2009

Joining the crowd....

....of out of work people.  Today it was announced that the work my team does is being put up for bid by the DiPs (Debtors in Possession) who now own Delphi.  Without knowing how pleased Delphi has been with our work, they are strictly looking to save money.  Beginning in January, it will take 3-5 months for the bidding process (my guess is less) and then the work will be transitioned to the new company.  I'm figuring I'll be out of a job by Fall 2010, maybe sooner, but could be later.  It depends on how ready the new company is to take over our work.  There's usually a lot of programming involved and testing to be sure everything goes smoothly.

There is a small chance that I'll be able to post for a position on another team but there will be about 30 of us scrambling for a handful of jobs.  Then there's always the possibility of leaving the area and taking a position in another MetLife office.  If I want to learn mortgages there are plenty of openings right now.

This is all so ironic since tomorrow I'm having my 25th anniversary breakfast with the vice president along with about 20 other employees, most of whom will be losing their jobs too. Yippee.

It's tough to think about making a career change at this point in my life.  I hate change.  I really enjoy what I do and the people I work with and for.  And I happen to be pretty darn good at what I do.  I'll have to start all over at the bottom and be the 'new girl'.  Ugh.

If only I could figure out a way to make a living doing crafty things.  I'm going to have to spend the next few months paring down and whittling my expenses.  Boy this sure puts the kibosh on things like a new computer or trips, and what will I do for a car when my lease is up in September??  I can take the bus only so many places.  And maybe I'll have to sell the house and get an apartment.  At work we joked about rooming with each other to cut costs.  Again, I really, really don't like change..........


  1. OH, Suzanne, so sorry to hear! What timing too, telling you all ten days before Christmas! You have some time to think about it though and develop a plan. Maybe with all your experience you can be THE one gets the other company job.

  2. Dear Suzanne--What unhappy news! I am so sorry. I think you are doing exactly what you need to, though...thinking through your options and making financial adjustments and weighing what is most important to you...all within hours of hearing the news! Your 'clear-headedness' is truly amazing. Please try to let the future unfold as it will. You may yet have a career with this company when they realize what an asset you are. All the best, always--

  3. so sorry to hear that! I'm hoping for much better things to come for you. Hang in there :) {{Hugs}}


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