Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Different Focus

First off, thanks to everyone for your kind words of concern and especially poignant comment from Tanya.
: * )

I know yesterday's post was all doom and gloom.  So sorry for that with Christmas right around the corner and everyone trying to get in the spirit.  Things could always be worse.  I DO still have a job which is taking care of the bills for now but I am looking for ways to scale back.  Sometimes you just have to write everything down on paper to know exactly where you stand.  And I'll do that.  Starting next year.  Uh huh, I realize that's less than 3 weeks away.

I called the Salvation Army today to see how much was donated in my kettle last Saturday.  An amazing $339.20 was dropped into my kettle in just two hours of ringing.  Just think -- what if I could make $169.60 per hour in a real job?  One that was legal, that is.

My next ringing stint is Friday at the Holiday Market in Royal Oak from 5-7 PM.  If you're in the area stop by and see me.  I might even hug you if you bring me a hot cocoa........I'm expecting pretty brisk conditions.


  1. Suzanne,
    I love your positive thoughts on a what could be a very negative circumstance. Keep your wits and humor about you.

  2. Remember,your friends and family are here for you. Positive thoughts and prayers from me in the meantime....

  3. Thank you! Kind words always soothe the wounded soul.

  4. Tanya does have a way with words, doesn't she! Straight and to-the-point!


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