Sunday, August 23, 2009

Quick Note

I wanted to post about the first day of the Big Fish Festival yesterday but was having issues with my Adobe Photoshop Elements software -- urrrgggghhh. It's not as good without the pictures so I'll have to work on that tonight, once I get home from the show.

The day went marvelously from the standpoint of booth placement and set up was expedited and executed to perfection by Tanya. So nice to have a tall and skillful friend. The bags and stitch markers she had created in her 'sweatshop' were fabulous.

The weather did not really cooperate though. It was cool, high was 67ยบ and threatened rain all day. The crowds were no were near as large as advertised. I bet we didn't have 500 people and there wasn't even a lot of shopping going on. I didn't see very many people carrying bags from other vendors.

I managed to sell one felted hat and a felted bowl. When Ben, the guy who runs the local O'Toole's restaurant, came into the tent and said he needed to buy a hat I sold him the last one I had finished -- the 3x1 rib made with the Rowan British Wool. He gave Tanya and me a token for a free drink at his restaurant so after we packed up our merchandise and battened down the tent we headed over there. Our dinners were great and the drinks even better! We may go back tonight if we're not too whipped.

Hopefully I'll be able to get my pictures going on the web and I'll post again tonight. Looks like the day's weather will be much like yesterday's, maybe a touch warmer. Too bad.

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