Friday, August 21, 2009

Loaded Up

Tonight I loaded up the T&C for tomorrow's Big Fish Festival in Keego Harbor. It took me several trips back and forth to my neighbor's garage but I managed to haul everything out that I'll need for tomorrow.

I still have plenty of finishing work to do on several bags but I'll tackle that during the show tomorrow. I'm also taking several colors of roving and my needle felting supplies so I can do some embellishing. I have a few bags that have been in my inventory for a year or more so I will dress them up with a bit of needle felting -- they often sell quickly when they're jazzed up.

I often struggle with the idea of people wanting plain versus spiffy bags. I tend to be on the plain side but I know a lot of people who prefer bling.

There are a few hats that need embellishing as well so I'll have plenty to keep me busy. I'll be enlisting the aid of my friend Tanya, who is very creative and can add just the right touch. Ok, it doesn't hurt that she's 6' tall and will be able to help me raise that tent up in no time flat.

If the weather holds out (keep your fingers crossed please!) we should have a great show. Tanya has been busy in her 'sweat shop' cranking out sewn bags and stitch markers for knitting so we'll have a nice variety of merchandise. Now all we need is customers!

Now I was going to post a picture of my super cool magnetic closures on my bags but the bags are packed up in the T&C so I'll have to remember to snap a shot tomorrow.

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