Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Missing In Action

I took a few days off from blogging. Actually it was a whole week. Thank you for noticing! Most of that time I didn't have access to a computer so I've got all sorts of things to say and report.

Last Wednesday at work we had a potluck so Tuesday night I made the easiest dessert I could think of: my Cherry Magic Cake. There's really nothing complicated about it and it usually gets gobbled up ~~

The recipe is on the side of the Jiffy White Cake mix box. It takes 1/2 stick of softened butter, 1/2 C chopped nuts, a box of Jiffy White Cake mix (surprise!), and a can of pie filling. I love it when I pull out a recipe and have the ingredients already on hand. I needed the pie filling this time, though. My friend Joyce had picked up the cake mix for me -- thank you!

And that is why I didn't post last Tuesday. Wednesday was a stressful day. Kevin and I drove out to see my Dad for the first time in his new building at the home. We only stayed for 10 minutes. Dad was mixed up about so many things. He said his room was a mess. He didn't know how he was going to get all of his furniture in the room. He said he needed the maintenance man to bring him some extra mattresses so Kevin and I would have a place to sleep. He said his mother and father would be visiting him the next morning (they both died in the '80s). The decline is unbelievable. From there we headed over to visit my Mom. More stress. She's so 'busy' it's as if every day is fully spent. She had to take care of Dad 24/7 so things had fallen behind. Didn't even want to go there with her -- we offered her options for managing the situation with Dad and she chose not to take advantage of them. Ugh.

When I got home from Mom's I started to pack for my trip to Charlevoix. I was ok picking out clothes but went into a tailspin trying to decide what knitting projects to take. Finishing projects, new projects -- not that hard of a choice but I sat there and stewed about it for at least an hour. Making sure I had the right needles, accessories, yarn, patterns. Not exactly like solving the wars of the world but it was a toughie for me!

I'll have more on my trip to Charlevoix tomorrow. Lots of pictures to come!


  1. It's not about the knitting projects...

  2. I worry so that my daughter will have to go through what you are going through with your parents. It is so hard and I don't want my daughters to live that but God only knows.
    I will be packing for my trip soon and I don't think too much about what knitting to bring. I take it all.

  3. It's good to see a post again! Seeing your parents getting older & having health problems is a very difficult thing....


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