Monday, July 20, 2009

Bountiful Garden

Yesterday I made the golf club cover for my co-worker. Today I re-worked it. Seems that although I made it to his exact specifications, it was waaay tooo big. I could have guessed that when I put it over the biggest club Kevin has and it was roomy enough for his entire set of clubs. At any rate here's the cover ~~

Once I finished sewing the cover I headed for the garden party. Anne, owner of Right off the Sheep, and her husband David throw a fabulous garden party every year when the lilies are in bloom. Their backyard is stunning to say the least.

Their Koi pond is amazing and they even have a waterfall.

Such an abundance of color ~~

Not sure what that plant above is -- any guesses?

Along one of the paths I spotted this super cute bench -- just big enough for a frog to stop and sit a spell ~~

Not surprisingly, I found it much more relaxing to take in the sights at Anne's (not to mention the delicious food and wine) rather than sit at my sewing machine. But I knew I had to finish the golf club cover before I could reward myself with an enjoyable evening. It was so nice to be among friends, meeting a few new people, and commiserating about our parents. Several other people there had dealt with Alzheimer's in their families so it was good to know I'm not alone and comforting to share experiences. It's so good to have friends to help you through these tough times.


  1. Glad to see you had some time to rest your mind and heart.

  2. The plant with the green and red leaves, kind of long and heart-shaped is caladium!


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