Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ready to burst

It won't be long before my Gertrude Jekyll roses are ready to pop! If the weather warms up, it will be perfect for a multi bloom season. These rose bushes are about 15 years old. I planted them the first summer after I bought my house. They can be super plentiful and oh, so fragrant. I just have to keep those nasty aphids at bay. Time to spray the soapy water before things get out of hand.

My latest mission in the perfect honeymoon endeavor has been to find the rental car. Now, never mind that I alerted Holly to the deal of the century last Friday -- 8 days rental of a mini-van like vehicle (Ford Freestyle) for a mere $353 dollars through Guess what? She didn't call on it Friday and when she did call this week the same rental was $1000. Live and learn. So I'm still searching. Now it's looking like it will be a Chevy Impala for about $550. They need something that will do well on the mountain roads plus get good gas mileage. Remember Alaska usually has about the highest price for gas -- currently it's not much more than here at about $2.65 per gallon. Go figure!

It's hard to believe the wedding is only 4 weeks away. I know the days will fly by. I'll get back to working on their rug tomorrow. I promise.

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