Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Back again...

...after taking a couple of days off of blogging. I usually blog near the end of the day but the last two days I was up way too late to blog. Monday night I was sewing the 66 Parrot blocks until 12:30 AM (which makes it Tuesday actually) and yesterday I didn't get home from my quilt group until 11 PM.

So I'm making up for the lack of pictures and stories. I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend, taking time to actually remember why it is we have that extra day off of work.

I got a lot of gardening done and finished knitting two bags which I took out to my Mom & Dad's to felt on Monday.

First, though, I stopped by a neighbor's house where the children had set up a lemonade stand to raise money to send to a charity in Africa to help children there. These kids are really growing!

I love watching them play -- running, biking, playing ball. The laughter is contagious.

These are the two bags I felted on Monday. I'm pleased with the shape and plan to sew the pockets and then magnetic closures on them when I have a 'finishing' day. I set aside several projects, much like my mother used to set aside mending projects, and then tackle them all in one day.

Yesterday at work I happened to be staring out the window again and saw the most unique clouds. They reminded me of Van Gogh paintings ~~

I was really mesmerized by the sky. I don't remember ever seeing clouds quite like these.

On my way home from work yesterday I was driving behind this ~~

Yes, an old hearse and oddly enough, it's owned by one of my co-workers. As a matter of fact, she is a bit different. There aren't too many people who would choose ride in a hearse while they were still living. Rae marches to the beat of her own drum, that's for sure. One morning I was driving in to work and noticed the hearse by the side of the road with its flashers on. No sign of Rae inside so I continued down the road. Sure enough, there she was, walking with a gas can back to her car. I bet nobody else stopped to see if the hearse driver needed help. Sadly, Rae is one of the people being downsized on Friday. Happening way too much around here.

Well I'm off to watch the Red Wings game. They are leading 3-1 in the series so it's looking good for them to go the Stanley Cup playoffs against Pittsburgh, again.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful kids and awesome bags!
    The sky looks like a beautiful shawl.


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