Saturday, March 14, 2015

A First Time for my Quilts

Two weekends ago I had four quilts hanging at our GLHQ Quilt Show at the King's Court Castle in Lake Orion.  This was the first time I had I entered any quilts I had made in any quilt show but decided I finally would get up the gumption.  It was great to see them hanging and I even heard some nice compliments from visitors to the show about a couple of them.

Here are two of them:

I missed getting a shot of my president's quilt, darn.

My fourth quilt on display was part of a mini-exhibit of my stitch group's recent red and white quilt challenge.  They sure looked nice hanging together.  Mine is the third one in the first pic:

These are probably the last pictures I'll post from my Samsung camera.  Loving my new Canon and it will go with me whenever I want to take 'good' pictures.

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