Sunday, November 23, 2014


I am so grateful for all the support I've received following my Mom's sudden passing.  My friends have been so kind and quick with a hug.  Countless times I've reached for my cell phone to call my Mom to ask advice, tell her what I'm up to or what my grandkids are doing.  For the most part I'm doing well, but then I'll see something -- Jeopardy, Red Wings games, etc. - and wish we could be watching them together, just once more.

The holidays are fast approaching and I don't know how I can get in the spirit this year.  I wish I could pull the covers up over my head and wake up in 2015.  Even New Year's Day will be hard as we spent it together for many years.  She would make a big pot of Canadian Pea Soup and we would reflect on the year gone by and talk about our plans for the coming year.

I'm grateful my mother died so peacefully but oh do I wish I had known it was coming.  I didn't have a proper goodbye.


  1. So sorry for your loss. I lost my mom on Christmas Eve 2012. This is when you're lucky to have memories. When mom began to go downhill with dementia I made it a point to make lots of memories. Those helped, but of course we have to work through the loss and find a happy place again. Thank heavens for the young ones.☺

  2. Yes, thank heavens for the young ones


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