Tuesday, September 9, 2014


I have had absolutely no creative energy for the past few weeks whatsoever.

All of my energy has been geared toward acquiring a new job as well as my niece Lauren's wedding.

I accepted a new position with a small company that will be about 11 miles away, instead of the 51 mile journey (each way!) I have to my current job.  I really like what I'm doing and will miss many of the people I work with terribly.

The girl who put the Nerf pistol to my head is also quitting -- I think she didn't like that I beat her to it.  The one developer who I suspect has some sort of social disorder (Asperger's Syndrome maybe) and the loser HR Director who has the fashion sense of a Glamour Don't Queen are on my short list of co-workers I won't miss.  There are so many nice co-workers that I will miss that tomorrow will be a melancholy day for me.  I have l-o-a-d-s of work to do before I leave, including a bunch of knowledge transfer to my replacement.

As of today, the HR Director that I sent my resignation letter to has not responded.  Wouldn't you think by now she would have set up an exit interview with me?  Oh well.  

Yesterday my co-workers took me to a great brew-pub in Ann Arbor and today we went to a fabulous pizza place.  

I hope I make as many good friends at my new job.

In the mean time here are a few pictures from my niece's wedding.

Parents of the bride, my sister Renee and her husband Tim, with the bride and groom to their left:

My sister Carol's three children:

My sister Carol's family:

Again, my camera died before I could take more pictures.  Damn anyway!

1 comment:

  1. ~ good luck with your new job!..also where are your dress pics from the wedding?..take care ;-D


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