Sunday, September 21, 2014

New Stuff

This past week was my first one at my new company, XPO Logistics.  Everything is going swimmingly so far.  I like my co-workers, the work is interesting (read: lots to learn) and the commute is a breeze.  There's a great cafeteria that actually makes good food -- what a novel idea!  I'll be getting paid every other Friday -- haven't been paid this way in YEARS.  That means my first check won't be until October 3rd - YIKES!!!  I'll have to be careful with my bill paying until I get used to that.

I haven't been in the mood to sew lately.  Not sure why but I haven't, and that's okay.  Today my roommate was going full tilt on cleaning, decluttering, and packing -- preparing to move out next weekend.  I'll believe it when I see it but it is looking good right now.

I did manage to stitch one seam today in making a quilt backing.  I used the 2' x 4' ironing board that I bought at the Ann Arbor Quilt Show, which rests on top of my ironing board.  It worked amazingly and I pressed the fabric much more easily.  I also had to do a little applique repair on a quilt top and used the Tulip Hiroshima applique needles that I bought over the Summer.  I loved the needle -- smooth as can be and it did not bend on me.  I've got a pin cushion full of old bent needles that I can now toss!  They have the cutest packaging -- check them out and add some to your 'toolbox'.

And lastly, I found these great mittens for my grandson Denver:
They're great because they have side zippers which will make getting them on and off so easy.  Found them at Costco, of course.  I highly recommend them for all little ones out there.

So that's enough new stuff for now.  I've got to tidy up my kitchen and get ready for the work week.  Early to bed and early to rise makes me a happy girl.  Also gets me home early enough to actually enjoy the evenings these days!

1 comment:

  1. ~ glad ewe like new job.. if ewe are in Galleria building---yes they have a great cafeteria.. where is Kev moving to?will he have new roommates?..luv Denver's mitts..will have to stop by Costco to check it out..take :-)care ;-D


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