Monday, March 4, 2013

Positive Thoughts Needed

I know I promised a giveaway but this past weekend has thrown me for a loop.  While up north at Holly and Mike's, Holly began hemorrhaging and went into shock.  I couldn't believe I was witnessing her crashing before my eyes.  She was rushed to the closest hospital 40 minutes away and received treatment, albeit not the correct treatment.

One of the problems with being up north is there's no cell phone service at their home.  Nothing.  Zero.  Zip.  I felt so isolated -- cut off from technology and unable to do any research.  Thank goodness I was able to get a text message off to my friend Joyce, who at midnight was willing to listen to me and help answer my questions.  Yesterday I was able to troubleshoot Holly's medical issues with my friend Jackie, a former OB/GYN doctor and today, after another hemorrhaging episode, Holly's doctor concurred.

Having friends like these make getting through episodes such as these bearable.  It sure was difficult watching her being loaded into the ambulance and whisked away.  She's a tough little snot, just like her Mom.  Holly is on five different medications and I may need to drive up to her home to care for her and Denver tomorrow.  She may need more surgery and plenty of rest.  And prayers and positive thoughts please.


  1. ~ sending prayers & positive thoughts to ewe & Holly..if ewe need anything let me know ;-D

  2. Holly has been entered in the Book of Health for prayers at St Louis Church. Call when you can. xoxoxo to all.

  3. Many, many positive thoughts heading to you and Holly. Hope she is feeling better real soon.

  4. Thanks so much everyone. Holly will get through this and your prayers and kind thoughts will definitely help her and me!


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