How would you like to have over $1300 in a piggy bank at the end of 2013?? I know I would and I found a simple way to accomplish this courtesy of a friend on Facebook. I'm going to put money in my piggy bank that corresponds to the week of the year. Did I lose you? In other words, this is week 1 in 2013 so I'm going to put $1 in my piggy bank. Next week is week 2 of 2013 so I'm going to put $2 in my piggy bank and so on and so on until the last week of 2013 when I put $52 dollars in the piggy bank for a grand total of $1378.00!!!
Maybe that money will pay for a nice vacation? Or some other fun stuff. Hmmm.....I'll have all year to plan!
~great! ;-D