Saturday, October 6, 2012

Fun Times

Yesterday I picked up my Chicken friend Sue and surprised her with an eastside roadtrip.  We headed to the Side Street Diner and had a delightful lunch.  We did some window shopping afterwards.  As we headed down the sidewalk we could smell pipe smoke long before we caught sight of the smoker:
Notice the mint colored trousers?  Yep, we did too.  Striped shirt, suit coat - love the top-sider shoes too.  What's going on in Grosse Pointe?  Since when did they start wearing socks with their shoes???

We stopped at Chico's where we both found something to buy.  I also spotted this pin with an interesting warning:

WOW!  Sue bought a similar pin -- thank goodness she doesn't have a pacemaker!!

Here are few more photos from our visit:

A beautiful archway with a clock over Kercheval Road:

Here's an interesting sign with the hours for the diner:
What do you suppose happens at 8:00 pm on Fridays????

Tonight I popped open a new bottle of wine.  Notice the Braille on the label?????
Without a doubt, I've never seen that before on a label.


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