Thursday, July 19, 2012


Tomorrow is my final day at MetLife.  I'm positive I cannot go back again.  This whole situation is entirely too stressful, too crushing, too demoralizing.  That probably sounds overly dramatic but I really can't take experiencing this for the second time.  There's no rhyme or reason for why I was chosen.  At least when it happened the first time, my whole department was getting released.  If it's all the same, I wish my name had not been placed in that hat this time, thank you.

Time for some reflection on the future and revert to my introspective self.  I'm positive about that one.

I may not like change but it sure seems to like me.  Positive about that one, too.


  1. Have faith in yourself and your abilities and know you have lots of love and support from your family and friends. No matter what, they can't destroy your spirit! Good things are coming for you! Believe it!!!
    Keeping you in my prayers...

  2. Awww hang in there, it will get better. Just work on getting through tomorrow and then it will immediately get better. I'm sure there's something else really great coming your way, so this just has to move out of the way so it can get to you!

    Kim W

  3. Suzanne, I am so sorry to read the bad news. I was just looking at your blog to check you out, as I had a question for you. I have been "let go" from jobs in the past, and I can identify w/ you. No matter what the reason, you feel like crap! I will be thinking of you and sending positive vibes your way. Go visit that grand baby and give her some lovin'! There's nothing like holding a child to make a person feel good again.
    Sincerely, Chris Hamel


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