Sunday, November 13, 2011

Great Weekend

I hit the jackpot at the estate sale yesterday.  I got all of this for $20:
Wool, wool, and more wool!

A bassinet size piece of cream wool (with a price tag on it still of $21.95) and a nearly 2 yard cut of genuine Harris Tweed, direct from Scotland!

 2 1/2 yard cut of cute kitty flannel (charity project ??)

 Magazines, a book and a couple of patterns

 EIGHT assorted rulers !!!

And finally, a Tailor Clapper and two bags of down to use in a vest I need to make someday very soon.

I was the first shopper to arrive and I quickly made my way around, squirreling away the treasures as I spotted them.  Several ladies arrived after me and I wanted to make sure I got the 'good' stuff!

I had a wonderful visit with Holly and 10 week old Baby Denver.  He's changing daily and I miss not seeing him as much as I'd like.

Today I went to Costco to pick up copies of the pictures I took yesterday.  I ended up bringing home far more than that:  slippers, gloves, cutting boards, gummy vitamins, spinach salad.  Yikes, that place is dangerous!

I've been knitting a bit on the felted purse I've been commissioned to make for a woman in England.  Next weekend I'm going to a potters market and hope to find the signature button it requires.  Until then, I'll be knitting up some felted hats that I desperately need for my show in December.  Never a quiet moment for me....


  1. What a great haul! I love that you scored so many good things. Baby Denver is just so cute! I can't wait to see the felted purse and the pottery buttons! Don't forget to post pics!

  2. ~luv the kitty flannel!..denver is so adorable!..I agree Costco is so addictive! ;-D


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