Sunday, September 11, 2011

Showers and more Showers

Today my roommate barely got the lawn mowed before the rain started.  Unexpected, as least for me, it's raining  pretty hard with plenty of thunder and lightning.  Looking for a rainbow on this sad day.

Yesterday was a fun day, though.  My friend Diane's daughter Samantha had her baby shower and most of the Chickens attended.  We had great food, played fun games and witnessed the unveiling of many, many nice gifts.
We decorated onesies with fabric paint:

 Pat, Marcy, and Judy look pretty serious about their creations.

We drew pictures of a baby on a paper plate atop our heads:
Here's Mary and Pat giving it their best.  Mine looked more like a toddler than a baby, I was told.

We all enjoyed our time together.
 Lee chats with Diane, the grandmother to be.

 Carol and Aileen pose for me.

 Aileen is shocked by something someone said.

 Carol and Joyce, who happen to be mothers-in-law, strike a pose.

Joyce and I seek refuge from the hot sun under some crazy hats.  Pay no attention to my nearly closed eyes.

Great-grandmother to-be Ginny enjoys watching Samantha open her gifts.

 Part of my gift was an earflap hat.  Gift opening assistant Alexis looks confused but it was really just a hat.

A nice family shot of father-to-be Adam, Samantha and Diane.

I spotted a rather large butterfly while we were there too:

And as I look out my window here tonight, a rainbow has appeared after the rain:

A busy week is ahead for me with knit guild on Tuesday and a trip to the doctor with Holly and Denver on Wednesday.  Every spare moment will be taken up with knitting more hats for the Mt. Bruce show in less than two weeks!  I really should get going on the yellow felted bag too.  Oh, how I wish I could have more hours in my day!

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