Have you ever been so truly, madly, deeply in love with something that you couldn't bare to use it? Fiber people know what I'm talking about. I have Liberty of London fabric I've not been able to cut up. There's hand dyed wool fabric that sits on a shelf, waiting for the perfect project that may never actually materialize. I've got loads of yarn sitting on my Expedit shelves, ready to jump off as I peruse them for my next knitting or weaving project.
This is such a yarn:
NO project was good enough for this exquisite skein of mohair and wool loveliness from Mountain Colors. Oh, I thought I had the perfect project a time or two, but no, back onto the shelf it went. I fondled it, sniffed it, lovingly gazed at it. But now........it's about to be turned into a woven scarf. I can sense the joy I'll have as I throw the shuttle full of this masterpiece of yarn. The colors are glorious, wouldn't you agree??!! It's called Mountain Goat and the color is Wild Raspberry -- positively delicious, eh?
No, I haven't been drinking.
It is beautiful indeed! I think you can actually get a bit tipsy on wool! LOL This will make a woven dream of a scarf! I can't wait to see it.