Sunday, May 22, 2011

Wet Felting Workshop

Yesterday Tanya and I took part in Nicola Brown's Mosaic Nuno Felted Wrap workshop.  There were about a dozen or so of us and each person created something very different from the next person.

We were the first ones to arrive yesterday, after Nicola and Dawn, and we made fast friends of them both.  They're both very experienced in wet felting and even though I've done a few things before, I learned a lot.  We started by placing our silk chiffon pieces on top of a plastic wrap on long tables.  I chose not to cut my pieces up into mosaics and in hindsight, I wish I had.  Next we placed our layers of roving on top, wet them down, soaped them up and rubbed them lightly for quite a while.  My shirt got soaked from leaning over my piece -- ick!  Here are some shots of my progress:

Here's a photo of Tanya's work in progress:

After several hours we were done with our pieces.

It sure was a lot of work -- I have a new found respect for this craft.  I think Tanya and I ached every where when we were done.  Dawn and Nicola chipped in on our projects by giving them a rub or a roll to move them along:

I think I've recovered from this taxing class and today I finished another woven scarf.  It turned out quite nicely and hopefully I'll get some photos taken tomorrow and share them with you!


  1. These are beautiful. I love the colors. Did you only felt on the ends or is there some on the chiffon mosaic too? I really love the mix of texture and pattern.

  2. Thanks Courtney! There were actually 5 pieces of silk chiffon overlapping about an inch. I used Romney/Mohair on the center piece, which was a printed silk. On the outside pieces I used a mystery wine-like color on one side and a mulberry shade of Corriedale on the other side.

  3. Hi Suzanne,

    Nicola left today for the final leg of her trip (Kentucky)...So missing her...Really enjoying your post and pictures of our workshop. I hope all of your aches are a distant memory and that you're enjoying your beautiful wrap.

    It was such a pleasure meeting both you and Tanya. Hope to see you again soon.

    Thanks so much for joining us.



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