Monday, May 2, 2011

Sauder Village Quilt Show

On Saturday several members of our quilt guild ventured down to Ohio to visit the Sauder Village Quilt Show.  A bus loaded with 24 exuberant women (made even happier when we discovered we had a potty on the bus) chatted it up for the two hour ride down to Archbold, OH.  We saw many fine quilts and wandered around the village, getting an education about life more than a century ago.  From pedal powered lathes to glass blowers to basket makers, there was a lot to see.  The quilt show and fabric shop were the big draws of the day.  Pictures of my loot to come in the next day or so.  For now, here are some of my favorite quilts:

Be sure to click on each photo to see the wonderful details of each quilt.  More photos to come tomorrow....

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