Saturday, April 16, 2011

Such a nice day!

Despite the dreary rainy day today, it really was a nice day!  My friends Sue, Kate, and Harriet rode along with me to the Black Sheep Weavers Guild's Spring Fling in Highland.  There was so much to look at and it was really nice that items were grouped by color families.  That's Kate way in the back in the bright green jacket, looking over an item.

I really enjoyed perusing all of the tables, going back and forth and back again.  There was so much to see it was easy to overlook something!  Here are a few of my favorite things for sale:
 A much better looking Chicken Rug than my homely chicken rug.

  A beautiful quilted wall hanging -- love all the colors and the precision piecing!

 This woven wrap was stiffened to create its shape.

This woven piece was one of many by this artist -- absolutely lovely!

Isn't this 3 dimensional felted horse amazing??!!

Kate and Sue were successful shoppers:

I made a couple of purchases but haven't taken photos yet, maybe tomorrow.

After we left the show we stopped to turn onto Main Street and look what we saw:

You don't see this type of 'filling station' much anymore.  Notice the "lead" gas sticker on the pump??  The station has a 'No Gas Today' sign in the window.  Whoever owns it has kept up the building nicely.

We headed over to Cinco Lagos in downtown Milford for lunch.  It was MMM, MMM, good!  Sue and Harriet had Margaritas:

Kate and I did not.  I ordered the Two Fish Taco plate:

Here we are just before chowing down.  I swear I never take a good picture and this is proof positive:

Once we finished devouring our lunch we headed over the the Knitting Circle yarn shop to browse a bit.  Each of us found something that had to go home with us in this cute and friendly shop, just down from the restaurant.  I was looking for yarn to use when I start weaving and found some cottons that I hope will do the trick plus a couple of skeins of milk/wool blend yarn.  Yes, milk.  Made by Kollage Yarns.  Can't wait to see how it works up.

As we were heading out of Milford toward home, I spotted this Knitting Graffiti:
I don't remember ever seeing knitting graffiti in person before anywhere else -- a first!  After looking at the photo in close up, I think it's actually crocheted, not knitted.  That's the beauty of photo software!

See...I told you it was a nice day!


  1. Nice photos!! It WAS a fun day! the show had lots of fabulous things, it'd be a great place to pick up a bunch of unusual handmade gifts. Loved the knitting graffiti--makes me want to run around the area now & leave some all over....maybe I will...

  2. It was a great time, despite the weather. The "spring fling" had some beautiful items there, for sure. We'll have to consider going to their fall fair.

  3. Sounds like a fab day! I really like the knitting graffiti--never even knew that was being done, but I think it's great--spread the wool around town!

  4. it was a blast...great way to brighten up a gray day! It was fun to see so many different items/finished work...and spend a little money supporting other crafters...


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