Sunday, March 20, 2011

Thank God....

....I made it home from my Chicken weekend up at Torch Lake.  I'm much too worn out from the drive home to talk much about it today.  It was without a doubt my worst drive home EVER.  My windshield wipers were on the fritz again.  It was snowing for about 70 miles, then it turned to rain for the last 150 miles.  With about 40 miles to go my wipers completely stopped working during a driving rainstorm.  I followed the solid white line on the edge of the right lane ALL THE WAY HOME!

I know what you're thinking --- that's awful! could have been worse.  If it had been snow, there would have been no way to drive home and I would have had to either pull over and wait for help or find a motel for the night.


  1. job & car lease?????

  2. No kidding! Once I have a few paychecks under my belt I just might pay a visit to a dealership, even if I like not having a car payment!

  3. hey, so sorry you couldn't get home easily. We were right ahead of you and just ahead of a lot of snow--still had some rain too but it got worse after we arrived. I want to add your blog to my igoogle page--have to load some rss feeds--just how to do it? Deb T.

  4. Not sure about the RSS feeds, I've never done it. Maybe you can either find it on youtube or google it.


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