Saturday, February 12, 2011

Delightful Day

It's finally warming up a bit around here and the sun shone for a bit -- relief from grey skies!  Today was our Mystery Quilt Day for the quilt guild and it was more fun than a barrel of monkeys.  Good food, great friends, and a bit of progress made on the quilt top that I cut out the fabric for yesterday.
It doesn't look like much but that sliced and diced fabric represents about 5 hours of work.  I'm not a fast cutter or a fast piecer.  I'm not even a fast shopper when it comes to picking out the fabrics either!  I managed to get the center of the quilt pieced today and will have pictures, eventually.

Yesterday I received my order from Purl Soho:

Inside were these interesting items:

A Japanese felt ball maker, one felt sewing needle, and a couple skeins of embroidery thread.  Stay tuned for the resulting projects.  Pay no attention to the fact that I don't read a lick of Japanese and am hoping the instructions are easy enough to figure out.

I also received my 'retirement' gift courtesy of the UPS delivery man:
It's a very nice set of knives from Henckel.  Hope I get to keep them since I've already used them!

Well, I'm off to put all of the quilting supplies back in their rightful places before I need them and can't find them.  

Hope you had a wonderful Saturday, too!

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