Sunday, February 20, 2011

Brain Farts

Sometimes I have a hard time remembering whether or not I've bought something.  Usually this is related to craft books.  I know there have been times I've been standing in a quilt shop, staring at books, wondering if indeed I DID actually already purchase a particular book.  Has this ever happened to you?  You've looked and looked at something over and over again and just can't recall whether you've already bought it?

Yesterday I purchased the same yarn, in the same colorway, that I bought just two weeks ago at Knit Michigan. Duh.  I knew I really liked it but thought for sure I was picking a different colorway.  Uh, no, not this time:
Knitting on the Fringe gave away a free dropped stitch scarf pattern with the purchase of this scrumptious yarn.  I cast on for the scarf late last night and I finished knitting it this afternoon:

The colors are so rich and saturated -- no wonder I love it!  Besides, what's not to love about 100% baby alpaca???

I used my Hamanaka Futte Futte felted ball maker last week.  Here are my first two efforts:
They're not super firm so I think I might try to felt them some more.  It was a really super easy process -- much faster than felting by hand.  I've got plenty of roving to use for more of them!

Once I completed knitting the dropped stitch scarf at Right off the Sheep today, I looked around for a yarn I could use for a second scarf.  I choose this yarn from Reynolds:

I started picking up the stitches for the neck edge of the Imagine sweater after selecting the Smile yarn.  Now I just need to finish knitting the neck and get going on sewing it all together.  

Early day tomorrow with the plumber arriving at 9 am.  You have to remember, I'm still on 'vacation' so I'm not used to getting going so early on a Monday morning!  I hope he's not too costly!!!


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