Saturday, November 13, 2010

Thursday's GLHQ Meeting

The meeting on Thursday was super and the speaker, Kathy Delaney, was delightful.  She has a wonderful sense of humor and showed us some great slides of her quilts.  With all the changes lately to travel costs, it's just getting too cost prohibitive to bring a whole quilt trunk show on the flight.

I took some pictures of the quilts we saw on her Powerpoint presentation:

I know the photos don't really do the quilts justice but it's the best I could do that night!

She did have a couple of quilts with her but unfortunately I only got a good shot of this one:

There were several great quilts shown by guild members during Show N Tell.

The first three shots include quilts made from men's shirts purchased at a thrift store:

 This sweet baby quilt is going to a little gal who will be born with a hole in her heart and a cleft palate.  So many challenges already for a tiny baby.  If you're so inclinded, please send some prayers and positive thoughts her way.

 Can the bird quilt above and reproduction fabric quilt below be any more different??

I LOVE this one -- the pink sashing really sets the blocks off nicely.

This is what you make with a whole lotta half square triangles!  Her husband always wanted a sailboat!

Our guild is filled to the rafters with talented quilters and it's always so much fun to see what everyone's up to.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of gorgeous work, I especially love the bird quilt since I have a thing for birds!


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