Thursday, November 4, 2010

Happy Thursday

You know how sometimes when you get home you're just SO glad to be home??  Today is one of those days.  I took a half day off work again to finish up my car purchase and it was one thing after another.  I won't bore you with the details but suffice it to say, things did not go according to plans.

I spent nearly 5 hours at Belle Tire having various things repaired on the new/old Montana.  Enough time to cast on and nearly finish knitting a red wool hat. Long enough to eat a bag of stinky snack mix from the vending machine and drink a can of regular Pepsi.  Right, I only drink Diet -- that's what happens when I'm not wearing my readers!

I dropped a lot of money at the tire place and while I have to return on Saturday to get the wipers repaired, I should be done for a while with repairs and maintenance.  I know Frank gave me a plethora of deals, for which I am grateful, and trust I'm good for the winter.

My dinner at 8:30 pm consists of protein (Reese's Peanut Butter cups) and fruit (organic Riesling from Washington State) -- balanced, don't you think?

For those who are or will be trying to save their pennies, here's a blog/website courtesy of, called The Frugal Girls -- Living Well with less $$$.  I'm adding their blog to my roll on the left.

We might have our first sighting of snow overnight -- better find my scraper before I leave in the morning....

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